Love Is The Only Solution
Love Is The Only Solution
Format / eBook
Pages / 90
ISBN / 978-0-578-96006-7
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Love is The Only Solution
“Love is the greatest thing in life and the greatest thing
in the entire universe. But most people nowadays are
lacking that love. Humanity must show more love than
before. We must love even our enemies, our neighbors,
animals and the environment around us, then we can
overcome the crisis and have a peaceful life. Love must
be manifested outwardly. Love can’t be talked about,
but must be shown through action. That is, to be vegan,
do good and protect the environment.”
“I need the demonstration of love, just 1% more love
for the world, love for your children, love for all species,
enough so that we will sacrifice our taste for the
animals’ meat, and related unmerciful products. We
have to show love in a grander scale, not just romantic
love for our family members – we should keep that,
because every kind of love is sacred. Every kind of love
will emit some beautiful positive energy to protect us,
and to protect loved ones and something around us.
So if each one of us gives more love into the
surroundings, extends it, like more, a little bit further
than family, and enough of that love, that will make up
for the 100% love power needed to dissolve the
greatest threat to our survival.”
-Supreme Master Ching Hai