• Download issues

Q: Why can’t I download the file?

  1. Not enough of storage space
    Please check and make sure your device has enough storage space.
  2. Internet restrictions
    Internet access may be under strict control in some places. For example, some companies or educational institutions block internet access to certain websites or downloads of specific types of file. Under such circumstances, you may not be able to download the file normally. In that case, we suggest that you access the internet from a different location, or ask your friends to download the file for you.
  3. Unstable Signal / Connection
    If you are downloading the file with a mobile device and it frequently fails, we suggest that you use a personal computer with a stable internet connection for the download instead. Then transfer the file to your mobile device via iTunes or an USB.

• Video Playback Issues

Q: Why can’t I play the downloaded file?

  1. The download is not complete.
    Please verify that the file size of the downloaded file matches the file size displayed on the website. If not, please try to download it again. If it still doesn’t work, please refer to our explanation in“Why can’t I download the file?” and to verify your network connectivity.
  2. Video Decoding Issue
    Please use the media players listed below to avoid video decoding problems.
    Please use Potplayer on personal computers.
    Please use the built-in media player or nPlayer on iPhones or iPads.
    Please use the built-in Media Player on Android mobile phones or tablets. MX Player is also recommended.

Q: Why does the video not play smoothly?

A: Probably the resolution of the downloaded video is too high for your device to handle. Please download the file of lower resolution.
  • Recommended minimum computer specification requirements:
    PC: Windows 7 or newer operating systems.

    We recommend a RAM memory of over 2GB and an available storage capacity on at least 10GB of the hard disk drive. If you want to watch videos in HD quality, we suggest you to use a Full HD monitor.

    MAC: OS X 10.5 or higher version

    Recommended Basic mobile phone/pad configurations:
    Screen Resolution: 1024x768 pixels or higher
    Operating System:
    iOS 7 / Android 4 or newer

Q: Why doesthevideo appear blurry while playing?

A: Probably the resolution of the video you downloaded is too low. We suggest you download the same video again in a higher resolution.

• Software Issues

Q: Which media players are suitable for Android devices?
A: Android : MX PlayerKodi
Q: Which media players are suitable for iPads and iPhones?
A: iOS (iPhone、iPad) : nPlayer
Q: Which media players are suitable for personal computers?
A: PC: PotPlayerKMPlayerGOM Player
Q:Which media players are suitable for TV boxes?
A: Kodi

Q: How to install PotPalyer?

  1. Please go to the official website of PotPlayer. Click on the “DOWNLOAD” button. (Download the appropriate version according to your operating system).
    Download the file to your desktop and start the installation.
  2. Choose your language and click on the following buttons in sequence: “Next”, “I agree”, “Next”, and then “Install”.
  3. After the installation is completed, click on “Close”. And the program will run automatically.
  4. Click on the “Open” button, and the file will be opened. Then you can start playing the video.
(Graphic Illustration)

• Subtitle Issues

Q: Why aren’t the subtitles displayed after the subtitle files (SRT or SUB) havealready been downloaded?
A: It could be that the subtitle ZIP file is not decompressed or the subtitle file is not placed in the same document folder as the video file. The names of both the subtitle file and video file should be exactly the same and placed in thesame folder, the subtitle file should also be unzipped
Q: How can I switch to a different subtitle language in MKV files?
A: Please go to the MENU of the Media Player and click on the “Subtitle” to choose your language.
Q: Why is there garbled text in the subtitle caption?
A: SRT subtitle: If you are using PotPlayer and garbled text appears in the subtitle caption, please convert the character set.
  1. Place the cursor on the display window and click on the right button of your mouse. Move to the “Control Panel”
  2. Go to “Subtitle” setting and click on the “Font” button. When the font window pops up, choose the script of your language.
(Remark: SUB files do not have the problem of garbled subtitles)