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The Highest Perfection of One's Self

No. MP3-CR9

7-Day Retreat

1990.09.28, 10.03

Hsihu, Formosa

Language: Chinese


Main contents:

1. The Highest Perfection of One's Self
2. Rewards for Disciples with Sincere Faith -- Experience Sharing (1)
3. The Meaning and Way of "Offering to God before Taking Meals"
4. Wisdom Emerges from Mental Concentration -- Experience Sharing (2)
5. The Compassionate and Furious Quan Yin Bodhisattvas
6. The Quest for the Truth Should Begin with Oneself
7. Which Is the Best Method of Spiritual Practice?
8. Practicing the Quan Yin Method Is Better Than Practicing Chi Kung --
Experience Sharing (3)
9. Spiritual Cultivation Is Not Competing for Spiritual Status
10. The Consequences of Greed
11. Ignorance Is the Greatest Sin
